At this time, Sunday Masses are NOT canceled. Please double check our Facebook for an update on Monday Mass/Office closure.
English FB page-
Spanish FB page-
At this time, Sunday Masses are NOT canceled. Please double check our Facebook for an update on Monday Mass/Office closure.
English FB page-
Spanish FB page-
Please join us in the Parish Hall for a celebration after the 7:00AM and 1:30PM Masses on Sunday, January 5th.
There will be food (rosca de reyes) & fellowship. All are welcome!
Did you miss your photo the first time? Make it up on Tuesday, February 4th!
Appointments are available online now at Enter the following info to gain access:
Church Code—va229 & Church Password—photos.
Photos will be taken in the Conference Room from 2:00—8:30PM. Bring cash or card if you want to purchase prints!
If you need help scheduling an appointment, please call the office at (434-973-4381).
Todas las familias están invitadas a una Noche de Catequesis con el tema “Nuestro Consuelo” (en español) el viernes, 31 de enero a las 5:45PM en la Capilla de Piedra.
Los padres y sus hijos comenzarán la velada con una cena y terminarán con la Misa Diaria a las 7:30PM.
¡Vengan a aprender sobre un tema Católico de una manera que atraerá tanto a adultos como a niños!
¿Preguntas? ¡Habla con Dora! 434-326-2276 o
All are invited to an Epiphany Dinner & Justice Conversations on Monday, January 6th at 6:00PM in the Parish Hall. Soup will be provided. If you can, please bring something to share (bread, rolls, a side dish, or dessert). More information to come. Contact Janie to help with the soup dinner.
(434) 325-5560
5:30 pm* Vigil Mass (English)
SUNDAY: 7:00 am (Spanish)
9:00 am* (English)
11:30 am (English)
1:30 pm* (Spanish)
MONDAY – FRIDAY: 12:15 pm* (English)
TUESDAY – THURSDAY: 5:30 pm* (Spanish)
FRIDAY: 7:30 pm* (Spanish)
SATURDAY: 9:00 am (Bilingual)
TUESDAY – FRIDAY: 6:00 – 7:00 pm
SATURDAY: 4:00 – 5:00 pm
SUNDAY: 12:30 – 1:00 pm
1:00 – 5:30 pm, 6:15 – 8:00 pm