“And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” [Micah 6:8]
IMPACT stands for “Interfaith Movement Promoting Action by Congregations Together.” It is a grassroots initiative comprised of 25 diverse faith congregations in the Charlottesville/Albemarle area who wish to live out and work in response to the common call for justice found in each of our traditions.
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All of IMPACT’s events for the 2020-2021 year will be virtual because of COVID-19. Our call to do justice doesn’t stop in the midst of a pandemic! We know through our research that more than 6,600 families in our community paid more than half their income for housing, before the pandemic increased unemployment and cut hours for thousands more. Now more than ever it is clear that our community needs more equity and justice, and more people of faith standing as witnesses of abundance and compassion. We want to see more affordable housing as people lose financial stability, and deeper respect for immigrant rights as our jail tries to cut down on overcrowding. Together as a faith community, and united with 24 other congregations in our community, we continue to push for allocations for Affordable Housing Funds in both the city and the county.
The Church of the Incarnation is a founding and active member of IMPACT, which began in 2006 and aims to bring a greater degree of justice and equality to the greater Charlottesville area. Not only is IMPACT achieving significant changes in Charlottesville and Albemarle County, but we are also bridging racial, socioeconomic, and religious divides in order to make those decisions to effect change in our community.
In the past, our work has centered upon providing mental health services for ex-offenders, expanding public bus service, increasing access to free dental care, developing affordable housing, expanding access to early childhood education, and increasing interpretive services.
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Check out impactcville.com for much more information. If you would like to learn more or to get involved with our IMPACT team, please contact Janie Pudhorodsky or our Coordinator of Justice & Charity in the office.
Colleen Keller, executive director of PACEM, expresses her support for the homelessness roundtable at the 2013 Nehemiah Action