What is a Discipleship Quad?
A Discipleship Quad is a group of four people who journey together as disciples through weekly gatherings of
- Fellowship
- Ongoing conversion
- Prayer
- Learning
This 12-month (44 meetings) path of accompaniment fosters growth through prayer, accountability, and authentic relationships. Men’s and Women’s groups are separate.
This process is more than a book, more than a bible study, and more than a catechesis on Catholic doctrine. At its heart, it is about brothers helping brothers and sisters helping sisters become more joyful disciples of Jesus Christ. Through this process, your faith will grow stronger. Your prayers will grow deeper. Your witness to others will be more fruitful.
A sample quad lesson can be downloaded here. Lesson materials are available without cost to the participants.
Who can join a Discipleship Quad?
A Discipleship Quad is for any person who desires to grow in faith as a Catholic and will carry out all the components of the Discipleship Quad Commitment. These components are:
- Complete all assignments/readings on a weekly basis, prior to my Discipleship Quad, in order to fully contribute
- Meet weekly with my fellow Discipleship Quad members for approximately one and one-half hours to share life and dialogue over the content of the assignments. Note: A Quad “year” is 44 meetings. Time off can be taken for holidays, vacations, etc.
- Offer myself fully to the Lord with the anticipation that I am entering a time of accelerated transformation during this discipleship period.
- Contribute to a climate of honesty, trust, and personal vulnerability in a spirit of mutual up-building.
- Give serious consideration to continuing the discipling chain by committing myself to invest in three other people and participate in another Discipleship Quad following the completion of this one.
A Quad can be made up of people at any level of spiritual maturity, from long-time, committed Catholics to those who are just beginning their spiritual journey with Jesus.
In addition to growing as disciples, Quad members should desire to be formed as disciple-makers.
To join Quads, please click this link and complete the registration form.