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Catholic Crafts, Lesson Plans, and Activities
- Catholic Icing: Christian fun for families with crafts, recipes, and hands-on ideas
- The Catholic Toolbox: Tools for the classroom or at home, including free printable activities, crafts, games, puzzles, worksheets, lesson plans, classroom tips, and more
- Catholic Playground: Coloring pages for saints, feast days, liturgical celebrations, etc.
- Catholic Inspired: Catholic arts, crafts, games, activities, and ideas to help parents and teachers share the faith with children
- Equipping Catholic Families: Celebrating Catholic family and faith with crafts, catechesis, and traditions
- Shower of Roses: Catholic arts and crafts, book lists, feasts and seasons, lap books, Little Flowers, and party ideas
- Catholic Mom: Shares the work of over 150 contributors in multiple languages, all in adherence to the magisterium of the Catholic Church; contributions include lesson plans, crafting ideas, Bible studies, recipes, book recommendations, and more
- Jesus Wonder: Animated videos on the miracles of Jesus
- Diocese of Richmond: The Diocese of Richmond’s Office of Christian Formation has grade-level specific resources (preschool through 8) for parents and catechists, resources for families with a child with disabilities, and various Catholic prayers that children should learn. Click on “Curriculum” in the menu on the left side of the page and then click on “Pre-K through 8th Grade.”
Resources for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- The Power of Confession by Ascension Press (7:59)
- Sacraments 101: Penance (Why We Confess) by Busted Halo (5:09)
- Sacrament of Reconciliation: Explained (6:06)
- Why Confess My Sins to a Priest? (8:43)
- How do I go to Confession? by Outside da Box (4:28) ~ en español abajo
- Confession: Four reasons to go (2:21)
- Confession by Sophia Sketchpad (7:54)
- Children’s Guide to Confession (4:08) ~ en español abajo
- Catechism of the Catholic Church: Sin (definitions and explanations)
- Mortal Sin vs. Venial Sin
Resources for the Sacrament of the Eucharist
- How to Receive Communion by Busted Halo (4:45)
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